You May Be Eligible For Compensation If You Are....
- An innocent Victim who suffers physical injury resulting from a violent crime or who is injured while trying to stop a crime.
- An innocent Victim who suffers psychological injury from a violent crime and required counseling.
- A person who is injured in an automobile accident caused by a drunk driver, a driver who is fleeing from the police or a driver whose conduct was so extreme that the driver was charged with aggravated vehicular assault.
- A person who witnesses a violent crime and as a result requires psychological counseling.
- Dependants of deceased victims of crime.
- A family member of a homicide Victim (travel expenses to attend the trial).
- Someone who has paid the expenses of a victim.
- An immediate family member of a Victim of homicide, sexual assault, domestic violence or a severe and permanent incapacitating injury.
Is An Attorney Necessary?
- Our advocates are not attorneys and can only assist in making you aware of the program and the basic requirements for filing the claim. Although you are not required to have an attorney to file your claim, you may want to have one assist you. The State of Ohio pays the attorney's bill. If the attorney is an approved attorney, you are not responsible for any attorney fees.