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Public Records Request

Public records requests are handled by the Public Information Office.

We make every effort to promptly provide you with your requested documents. The more specific you are when requesting public records, the quicker we can process your request. The timeframe needed to complete your request depends on the amount of documents requested, where the documents are located and whether the documents need to undergo a legal review. Depending on the type of documents requested and the content of those documents, they may be redacted to remove information, such as social security numbers, that is not public record.

Records requests for criminal cases cannot be honored or completed until after the file is closed.

You do not need to put your records request in writing, provided you adequately explain what is requested. You do, however, need to provide contact information so that we can notify you when your request is complete.

At this time, the Summit County Prosecutor’s Office charges 10 cents per page, 20 cents per photo and one dollar per CD or DVD. There is no cost for written documents that are emailed unless those documents need to be printed in order to be redacted. The requester must pay for postage and shipping materials if the materials are mailed. Payment is due in advance and can be made with a check or money order. We do not accept cash or credit cards. The fee is waived for requests that would cost $5.00 or less.

To submit a public records request, contact the Director of Communications

The Summit County Prosecutor's Office public records policy is linked below:

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